
Over the years, one thing has changed- The need for our services keeps growing every day, and so is the need for your support.
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Asanteni Sana

You have believed in our Vision…

You have believed in our Vision, you bring your experience, you have great knowledge and share the wherewithal for a course. Indeed you are our greatest asset today and tomorrow and we could not accomplish what we do without your support and leadership. My personal respect and thanks goes to you.

The Mazira Foundation as “Your CSR”

The Mazira Foundation as “Your CSR” gives a platform for individuals and organizations to have CSR programs -Mideva Okore is a photographer and an Ambassador of The Mazira Foundation .She has done a great job with the “Adopt a widow’s /Orphans Health” through her photography and is now taking lead in “ life skills” where she will be giving back to the community by  teaching photography to women who are intelligent differently.

Center For Global & African Contemporary Entrepreneurship in partnership with The Mazira Foundation- Gives women who are ‘intelligent differently’ an opportunity to gain “ life skills” and make a living. You can be part of “life Skills” by taking up a class to teach at your convenience, take up life skills  students for internship and attachment, Sponsor a student for the course or Donate to the program.

ONE Atoneys & Associates in partnership with The Mazira Foundation– Gives pro bono legal clinics on the basis of merit and supporting The Mazira Foundation. We thank them for constructing & setting up Mazira Memorial Hospital in Vihiga

“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa

Compassion Ministry

Use your voice to preach kindness, your ears to hear the compassion within you, your hands to give to charity, your mind for think about truth and remember to listen with your heart for love

We are a leadership team dedicating our time, knowledge, skill to ensure the success of The Mazira Foundation activities as we share the love of Christ. We appreciate all the experiences and skills an individual has to offer and encourage diversity in our team members (culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds). 

By joining the Compassion Ministry, you will be committing to lead in your field of expertise on a voluntary basis for a period of 3 years renewable.

    “There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.” 
    ― John Holmes